Perelman Center for Advanced Medicine

Wayfinding Kiosks

PCAM Doctor's Directory

The new Perelman Center for Advanced Medicine (PCAM) had a problem. Visitors had difficulty finding their doctor. So PCAM contracted with Interpret Green to develop an interactive solution.

Interpret Green was already familiar with the space at PCAM, having built the beautiful video wall on the second floor. For the wayfinding challenge, Interpret Green partnered with Gecko Design Group to develop seven interactive kiosk displays to be juxtapositioned with prominent physical signage.

There were several challenges at PCAM which Interpret Green considered during the design phase:

  1. visitors, often elderly and/or anxious, who have not been to PCAM before
  2. a bright space with plenty of natural light
  3. doctor information that may frequently change

Interpret Green’s solution was a set of friendly, touch-screen displays that can provide the necessary information in as little as two touches. The displays correspond with the iconic physical signage that is consistent throughout the facility.

As a visitor approaches the kiosk, he/she can locate their destination by knowing either their doctor’s name or medical department. With a keypad, visitors can start typing a name and their choices are then filtered on the screen. The interface display is easy to read and use – necessary for visiting patients and families who have a lot on their mind. The kiosks are also networked to PCAM’s IT system to that they can be updated regularly - each kiosk is synched nightly with the PCAM’s operational database.